Russia Travel Guide: Top 10 Destinations


The vibrant capital of Russia, with iconic landmarks like the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral.

St. Petersburg

The "Venice of the North," renowned for its canals, bridges, and imperial architecture.

Veliky Novgorod

One of the oldest and most historically significant cities in Russia.

Olkhon Island

The largest island in Lake Baikal, offering scenic landscapes, shamanic sites, and traditional Buryat culture.

Kizhi Island

A UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its wooden churches and traditional architecture.

Kamchatka Peninsula

A volcanic wonderland with geothermal features, diverse wildlife, and opportunities for adventure.


A historic city with a medieval kremlin, churches, and monasteries


Another Golden Ring city, featuring the UNESCO-listed Golden Gate and Dmitrovsky Cathedral.

Nizhny Novgorod

A major city on the Volga River, with a historic center, Kremlin, and rich cultural heritage.


A southern city on the Don River, known for its vibrant markets, Cossack culture, and nearby vineyards.